Pause Db Hip Thrust


How to perform:


Position upper back on a plyobox with chin tucked slightly, feet about shoulder width apart and knees bent with glutes resting on the floor, engage your core. Hold two dumbbels, one on each side on your hips crease.



Engage your glutes and drive your hips up pushing through your heels and keeping your back straight and pivoting through your upper back, when your shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line stop the movement and pause the amount of seconds as prescribed at the top.  Maintain your shins in a vertical position to bias the glutes. return to the start



Keep your chin tucked like you are holding an orange between your chin and sternum.

Do not flare your ribs outward

Feet far apart will bias the hamstrings, closer together will bias the quads

Squeeze the glutes hard at the top of the movement as you pause

Do not let your knees cave in

Maintain a neutral spine position, do not overarch your low back