Bodyweight Single Leg Hip Thrust:
Head/neck in neutral position. Breathe and hold about 70% of breath, brace your core like you are about to get punched in your belly and only release breath out when you are close to the bottom on your way back. Maintain core tight at all times. Place one leg up and the other on the ground (working leg) and push through your heels but feet is on the floor for stabilization. Place the end of your shoulder blades on the bench. Hinge method you maintain your chins, head and neck in a neutral position aligned with your spine. Move your torso as a whole unit and your head maintain neutral while you go up you face to the ceiling. Your eyes and head follow your body on the way back along with your entire torso. After you finish your reps in one leg, switch and do with the other leg. Maintain your shins in vertical position at the top to bias glutes. If you put your feet far away you will feel more your hamstring. If you put feet too close you will more your quads. Squeeze the glutes hard at the top. If your bench is very high you can go as much as you maintain your body in place and reverse mid-air to prevent from your shoulder blades getting out of the place. You can use a step setup or a decline bench. The Thruster or the glute bench from BC Strength store is recommended. Don’t let knees cave in. Maintain Spine neutral, don’t hyperextend your back. Maintain ribs down. Make sure you lockout with a full hip extension at the top while pelvic floor and spine and is in neutral position. Don’t use the scoop method on this single leg hip thrust (is preferred the hinge method to work and bias your glutes).